Friday, August 5, 2011

Vancouver lights up like a Firework.

'Fire Shower'. Fireworks display for the Celebration of Light, Vancouver, 2011. View from Kitsilano towards English Bay.

Celebration of Light - Vancouver, August 2011.
When Summer hits Vancouver, it lights up like a firework. Literally. The infectious atmosphere that is embellished by the beaches, the sun, the people and that irrepressible stark summer sunlight lifts a city that is drowned for so much of the year, by more that its fair share of rain. The Fireworks display this week have been phenomenal, but even more so was the strong turn out of people, families, children and old friends gathering on picnic rugs, munching on snacks and sipping on drinks looking at the show.

Well done Vancouver. Very well played. Tip of the cap to you.

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