Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Watch out for Mosquitoes!

So today we had one of our Monthly Team Meetings in work. The two hour meeting this morning was Hawaiian themed. This was in lieu of having not won the lotto syndicate and being able to actually go to Hawaii, and as always, the meeting consisted of the firm favourite: ‘Safety Talk’. Today we learned that driving when sober may considerably increase your chances of safety on the road. (I know, don't believe it either.) The main slideshow however, was about the eponymous Mosquito. It turns out that Canada is keeping a big dirty secret behind it's seemingly 'Developed Nation' veneer…Lyme Disease and the Nile Virus is rampant in Canada and, by all accounts, it's only going to get worse. This is because of the growing swell of Mosquitoes around the recently flooded areas of Manitoba. (The woman who spoke is from there, so she likes to talk about it a lot. Eh.). 

With the imminent hot weather in August and September approaching Vancouver, we were given some top tips on how to avoid Mosquito bites and not contract life threatening diseases. That’s right folks, Vancouver can be as lethal as sub-Saharan Africa in terms of Mosquito Transmitted diseases. In addition to the Hawaiian themed meeting where we each wore a decorated head dress, enjoyed fruit salad, Danishes, chocolate covered Macadamias, Jelly Dolphins and fruit punch,  we were all presented with very helpful factsheets on how to deal with the flying terrorists, care of the Woman’s Weekly Magazine.

This is my job. 



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